Thursday, October 31, 2019

Offshoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Offshoring - Essay Example As the jobs of the first world make their way to the developing regions of the third world, the forces of globalization have had many unintended consequences. The loss of manufacturing jobs in the countries of the world and their movement to the lower paying developing "third world" has restructured the world economy. This brief assignment will explore the globalization phenomenon with an eye to outsourcing and the changes dynamics of the global economic community. We will utilize a case analysis and explore two countries which have embraced free trade and economic growth as a haven for outsourcing. China represents a unique blend of authoritarianism and capitalism leading to sustained and pronounced economic growth in one of the largest - and growing - economies in the world. Mexico represents a controversial source for many American jobs. In addition to a cross-comparative analysis of these outsourcing "source" countries, we will address criticisms of the globalization phenomenon i ncluding the rise of protectionism as a response to the flight of jobs overseas. Globalization, as it exists today, rests largely on the shoulders of neoliberal economics and the global entrenchment of capitalism as the dominant economic system in the world. ... sely popular book The World is Flat (2005), describes offshoring/outsourcing as an integral component of the worldwide spread of capitalism and the global division of productive labor. According to Friedman, outsourcing is primarily done in response to keep costs low and restructuring ones' labor force in order to keep production costs at a minimum. Accordingly, while a non-skilled manufacturer in Illinois can expect to earn a minimum of $14 a hour, in a country such as India could earn less than a $1 an hour. Thus, companies who seek to maintain their competitive advantage and keep cost low, ship their productive facilities overseas where costs are significantly lower. There are also important tax advantages to outsourcing jobs overseas and as we shall see in our case analysis of China below, companies can often expect certain tax benefits when utilizing productive labor in the developing world (Friedman 2005; Bendor-Samuel 2005). Case Study: China China has become the source for literally thousands of jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector, which used to employ people in the developed countries of the Western world. Despite these early years of anti-capitalism in the wake of the Chinese Revolution, China has cautiously embraced economic liberalism and a capitalist economic orientation, albeit with strong authoritarian tendencies. China today has the 4th largest economy in the world behind the United States, Japan and Germany, estimated at $2,645 billion per year. With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China remains a largely rural country with 43% of its labor force employed in agriculture with another 25% in industry and 32% in the service sector. Industry, however, has driven the economic growth of this country which represents 49% of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Procter & Gamble in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Procter & Gamble in Japan - Essay Example 1. Proctor & Gamble during the 1970’s and 1980’s utilized a centralized marketing approach in which the US headquarters had full control of the marketing initiatives both in the United States and abroad. The company felt that this strategy was more effective because it provided a simple method that could be transferred elsewhere which provided savings and helped the company achieved benefits associated with economies of scale. The reality of this strategy in Japan was that the company was not doing poorly in this international market. The company by 1985 after being established in Japan for 13 years was losing nearly $40 million a year (Hill, 2007). Along with the obvious monetary losses the disadvantages of the centralized marketing strategy in Japan was that the company was not able to fully meet the consumer needs. The culture of Japan and the consumer taste were much different than in the United States. The strategy was inflexible and did not provide room for the ne cessary changes based on market research and consumer trends. Â  2. After years of struggling in the Japanese market with various products after 1990, the company decided a new approach. It created products based on the specific cultural profile Japan. A product that was introducing utilizing this new decentralized marketing approach was Joy detergent. The country-specific research showed that the Japanese people were changing their cooking habits towards the higher volume of fried foods which meant that the people needed a product that was more powerful cleaning up grease dishes. The company also considered other key stakeholders in its design in the process in order to ensure success. The packaging of the product was tailored made to ensure supermarkets and other stores could maximize its shelf space. The strategy provided many benefits for the company, but there were some drawbacks.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The continuing evolution of leadership theory

The continuing evolution of leadership theory The articles and the book chapters chosen identify varying leadership perspectives, dynamics, and leader follower characteristics in the educational contexts. Kellerman in what every leader needs to know about followers suggests that every leader has at least one follower and good followers make informed decisions about their leaders and what they espouse. Based on their judgments about the leaders, they take appropriate actions. This article was chosen due to its insightfulness of leader follower relationships, and how closely these can be linked with the early childhood contexts Hard (2006), in Horizontal violence in early childhood education and care (ECEC) explores the relationship between the leadership in ECEC, and the internal and external factors inhibiting leadership development of early childhood professionals. This article also provides an insight into the lack of leadership, and complexities between the management and leadership within the early childhood field. Rodd (2006) identifies the need for the early childhood profession to become more active in up skilling early childhood professionals with leadership skills. Rodd stresses the importance of leadership development by saying It is necessary to nurture and train leaders within the early childhood profession and to empower the early childhood field from grass roots up. Rodd also suggest that early childhood professionals need to see themselves as leaders and to take the challenges in facilitating high quality early childhood services for children and the families. Leadership in early childhood is an insightful book which provides a field specific knowledge and understanding of what is leadership within the early childhood context. Critical summaries and application The typology of the leader follower relationship proposed by Kellerman allows the leaders to identify, to determine, and to appreciate the differences of their followers. Kellerman (2007) uses leader follower engagement as the defining factor and identifies five types of followers: followers who are completely detached as isolates; bystanders as free riders, participants who are willing to make an impact by some level of participation, activists who are very much engaged in what is happening; and diehards who are very much engaged that they are willing to go down with the ship or throw the captain overboard. Perhaps this is very much true in early childhood contexts where identifying people who would fit into any one of these categories is easy to find. Although Kellermans emphasis on leaders having to know the followers could have positive impact on leadership success, it could be suggested that the followers too need to know their leaders and their expectation in becoming effective group members. Warren Bennis cited in Dubrin,Dalglish,Miller (2006) suggest that a key role of the followers is to collaborate with their leaders to achieve organisational goals through team work: a new kind of alliance between the leaders and the led (pp.472-473) Hard (2006), identifies the lack of understanding of what leadership is within the early childhood field, and states that until recently, leadership had not been widely researched in early childhood education and care. According to Hard(2006), , leadership involves influencing people, situations and role responsibilities and relationships specific to each context within which they operate. Leadership also requires meeting the needs of the people, and managing the resources and power in a profitable manner. Hard also suggests that: management and leadership are interrelated concepts and a clear separation is not necessarily possible or desirable. Management positions often do incorporate some leadership skills however; most often leadership in early childhood involves management duties. Hard suggest perhaps the essence of the term leadership articulates the notion of creating positive change in organisations. Rodd (2006), identifies that the development of leadership skills continues to be a vital and critical challenge for early childhood practitioners in providing culturally and socially responsive early childhood contexts for young children and their families. Rodd unpicks the leadership in early childhood contexts and encapsulates the uniqueness of each early childhood setting and how it makes it difficult to specifically define leadership broadly and exclusively. According to Rodd, developing relationships and teamwork seems to be enhancing affective leaders within the early childhood settings. Trust, sharing collaboration and empowerment are believed to be contributing factors in developing leadership in early childhood settings. Rodd also explores who the leaders are in the early childhood contexts; functions of leaders in the early childhood field and many other factors unique and significant to early childhood contexts. An important point made by Rodd includes the need for early childhood professional to have leadership dispositions as they are required to implement and ensure Regulatory and Quality Assurance expectations within the early childhood contexts. This requires all early childhood educators to possess an understanding of essentials of leadership skills specific to the early childhood field. Another important point Rodd makes is that leadership skills are to be necessary and equally important as the curriculum knowledge pursued by the early childhood practitioners. Reviewing leadership theories and literature provides an understanding that earlier leadership theories lack the significance and the applicability to the early childhood contexts. Early childhood contexts are mainly occupied and managed by women and often the management and leadership involves joint and shared leadership approaches and characteristics uniquely preferred by women. Women often feel the need for intimacy, flexibility, individualised organisational strategies and processes, and the ethos of collaboration and collective success for all within the environment (Rodd, 2006, Dubrin,Dalglish,Miller2006). Early childhood leadership focuses on influencing people rather than using power and authority. These characteristics are seen as more suited, and perhaps unique to the early childhood field (Rodd, 2006) Looking from Kellers (2007) point of view, it is important for leaders to know who they are leading and their aspirations, in becoming better leaders. The relationship between leaders and the people they are leading is not single sided and not all followers are the same. Followers like leaders too, act upon individual self interests, and therefore, should not be treated as one. Although the followers may lack authority like their leaders, they possess power and influence to make change happen. Perhaps it would be beneficial to look at educational leadership from a different perspective. Looking from Senge (1990) and Argris and Schon (1996) and other learning organisation perspectives, educational leadership requires leaders to create an environment where the individuals have the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogues to reflect, expose and to test and improve mental models in achieving better organisational outcomes for all involved. Leading educational contexts therefore requires leaders to be able to manage and to lead the most valuable asset of the organisation which is its people. Peoples skills and knowledge: the knowledge economy, is the value of the organisation. People are not just the cogwheels of machines anymore, and they are seen as active participants who contribute to the organisational goals and outcomes through participative and distributive leadership. The implication of this knowledge economy seems to be that it requires the managers and the leaders to take the leadership stance where they are to define and provide the purpose and value for the tasks assigned. Managers need to focus on nurturing and in developing skills of the work force and inspire positive outcomes for the individuals, the organisation, and the community within which they operate (Dubrin,Dalglish,Miller 2006). Peter Drucker states: The most valuable assets of a 20th-century company were its production equipment. The most valua ble asset of a 21st-century institution, whether business or non-business, will be its knowledgeable workers and their productivity. (Drucker 1999) [URL]. As mentioned above, the purpose of an early childhood service is to provide quality care and education for young children. Developing leadership for reflective practice and change is a key role for the early childhood professionals. Change is constant and is one of the few uncertainties in everyones life (Ebbeck Waniganayake, 2003). In early childhood contexts, reflective practice allows individuals: to adapt; respond to problems and difficulties; to be flexible; to question traditional or established practices; to question individual practices; and to question ideas or methods in order to develop new understandings, and then to apply them. it is important for the leaders to remember that the actions and styles of a leader, interactions, values and beliefs influence the people they lead and determine how they respond to the leader. Leadership in early childhood also involves transforming the mind sets and responding to change required by both internal and external constraints.(Rodd, 2006). Effective change is the ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. The planning for and implementation of the change is one of the major challenges that face the early childhood leaders (Saracho,1992). The four frameworks: Structural, Symbolic, Human Resources and Political Frames, as described by Bowman and Deal (2008) encourage leaders to look at situations differently and to effectively manage change. Traditional leadership theories have provided with multiple lenses to view varying aspects of management and leadership characteristics people use in different situations and institutions. It has contributed to the understanding of management and leadership perspectives, the roles and the responsibilities of leaders, and to be able to apply theoretical knowledge appropriately in achieving better outcomes in educational contexts. Theoretical understanding enables the leaders to use it wisely as a guiding factor in approaches to management and leadership within the educational contexts.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Voodoo :: Essays Papers

Voodoo It is often presumed that within a slave society everyone has the same deprived status as the "Other" for the colonial masters, but recent studies have begun to examine the power structures within the slave community itself. Herbert Klein, in African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean (1986), has pointed out that knowledge was an important granter of status in the slave community. Knowledge of African ways or customs, or even in some cases elite status transferred directly from Africa gave some slaves a leverage in their community in contrast with their official status. The same occurred with many of the male and female Africans who were part-time religious, health and witchcraft specialists, most of whom had a status inside the community completely unrecognised by the master class. The historian John Blassingame, in The Slave Community (1972), has said: Whatever his power, the master was a puny man compared to the supernatural. Often the most powerful and significant individual on the plantation was the conjurer. Voodoo is a syncretic system derived from deeply rooted Africanist beliefs and colonial French Catholicism. African-American religious systems and subcultures can be seen in Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, and other Antillean areas. In the Fon language spoken in Benin, vodun means an invisible force, terrible and mysterious, which can meddle in human affairs at any time. As a reaction to being torn violently from their roots, the slaves tried to resume their cultural and religious traditions. Ancestral spirits, forces called supernatural, were invoked and celebrated in secret, far from the master's eyes, yet in the shadow of the Church, as the worship of saints and the Catholic sacraments served as a screen and a support for African beliefs. The creation of a coherent belief system was extremely important in the development of a feeling of cohesion among the slaves which would provide them with a sense of self and community. The process of syncretization among the African religions helps to explain why those cults found it relatively easy to accept and integrate parts of Christian religious belief and practice into the local cult activity. Initially this integration was purely functional, providing a cover of legitimacy for religions that were severely proscribed. But after a few generations a real syncretism became part of the duality of beliefs of the slaves themselves, who soon found it possible to accommodate both religious systems. The conjurer in African-American culture is frequently referred to as a "two-headed doctor," a person of double wisdom who carries power as a result of his or her initiation into the mysteries of the spirit.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

World War I and Group Member Names

Guidelines: Assign one group member to lead the group. The leader should divide their chapters and create deadlines prior to Novo. 26th. The leader should receive all outlines early and make the formatting cohesive and easy to read. Each group should turn in one full set of fact sheets and outlines In a folder. All group members' names should be listed on first page. Pages should be numbered. Fact sheets should precede outlines.Each chapter should be clearly labeled by number and title. Pages may run continuously in order to conserve paper and space. Remember to type all group member names on the cover and individual names on each section each member produced. Each group will produce typed: 1. Fact Sheets for each chapter Including, a. Summary of the chapter's main argument. B. List of main people and their role/title. C. Key terms and debates. D. Questions posed or inspired by the chapter. 2. Content Outlines of their assigned chapters from Laborer Including, e.Mall acts and events with dates. F. Relationship of events to causes of WWW as Identified by Laborer Characterization of varying national perspectives, alliance shifts, etc. Quotes. I. Analysis of Laborers choices/writing. H. Short key â€Å"The Long Fuse† OUR There Projects?All Scripts Due Tuesday, November 20th Guldens: 1. Scripted and researched performances to conceptualize history 2. 10-15 minutes 3. Rehearsed, but not memorized 4. Option to record in advanced; must be ready to perform live if technical difficulties arise 5. Utilize music, costume or set pieces .Begin with England, France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary as starting point; research may guide you too more narrowed script 7. Turn In typed script & typed MEAL bibliography of scholarly sources (One source per person in group an additional source; limit to one internet) 8. Include a cover page describing the role that each group member played in the production of the presentation. Group topics:Effects of HAWAII groups should exa mine changes In society due

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Domestic Violence Essay

Domestic Violence, based on typical legal definition, encompasses psychological, sexual, physical, and verbal actions of an individual against his or her partner (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). The prevalence of these kinds of abuses has propelled the civic group to clamor from the government for the victims’ legal protection and preservation of rights. Said Pournaghash-Tehrani and Zahra Feizabadi as members of Department of Psychology and Institute of Psychology respectively in the University of Tehran in Iran are both expected to be highly adept in the field of applied psychology. Their study entitled â€Å"Comparing Demographic Characteristics of Male Victims of Domestic Violence† is one of the spirit-awakening researches in terms of domestic violence. It draws out attention on the issue of domestic violence where the typical scenario females are abused while males are the perpetrators. The stereotype of domestic violence has treated it as entirely women’s issue for a long time (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Thus, most countries have a definite law concerning violence against women. However, through the efforts of civil groups and social scientists, gender symmetry movement on domestic violence has made a notion that males are victims of domestic violence at least as often as women. Meanwhile, the work of Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, as acknowledged by the Asian Network for Scientific Information in 2007, was published in the fourteenth of the seventh volume of Journal of Applied Sciences. Their study revealed that male victims of domestic violence are not only limited in the United States but are also observed in the Asian region. Goal and Hypothesis Based on the studies conducted on the Western countries revealing the capacity of women to commit violence against their male partners, Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi aimed to focus on the socio-demographic attributes of the male victims of domestic violence. Thus, they intended to find out the relationship of the domestic violence experience of male victims with respect to their age, educational attainment, and income level; the possible interaction among age, educational attainment, income level, and domestic violence experience of the male victims. Specifically, their study sought answers to the following questions: do the male victims have differences in physical violence experiences with respect to age, educational attainment, and income level? ; and do the male victims have differences in psychological violence experiences with respect to age, educational attainment, and income level? ; is the interaction between age and educational attainment, age and income level, educational attainment and income level, and among age, educational attainment and age, income level significant with physical violence experiences? ; and is the interaction between age and educational attainment, age and income level, educational attainment and income level, and among age, educational attainment and age, income level significant with psychological violence experiences? Literature Review The preponderance of domestic violence, in any form, across cultures gave impetus for the creation of legal policies for its prevention, efficient prosecution of the perpetrators, and effective programs of advocacy for the victims. However, legal advocacies are only focused on women for men are typically perceived as the doers of domestic violence (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). In this connection, studies accounted the significant correlation of socio-demographic factors such as age, educational attainment, income level, socio-economic status, and substance abuse with the occurrence of domestic violence (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Meanwhile, as revealed by contemporary researches conducted in the United States and Great Britain, men are also victims of domestic violence at least as often as women. In fact, based on statistical reports in Western countries, about 20% to 30% of domestic violence like punching, throwing objects, biting, slapping an biting are done by women towards their male partners (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Moreover, the meta-analysis conducted by Archer in 2000 and 2002 on eighty five marital conflict studies divulged that women have higher tendency for physical violence due to stress levels than men (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Aside from physical violence, women are also capable of psychological violence through oral arguments towards their husbands. Further, Hindin and Adair in 2002, Jeyaseelan et al. in 2004, and Perez et al. in 2006, exposed that regardless of gender, low level of education contributes to the occurrence of domestic violence in marital relations (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Also, Jeyaseelan et al. argued that even though domestic violence is not limited to a particular social class, it is of frequent occurrence among the poor (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). On the other hand, Perez et al. reported that incidences of domestic violence are more often to take place in young couples than in older couples (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). The inevitable fact that women are also perpetrators of physical or psychological violence led to growing consciousness in supporting the notion of gender symmetry in domestic violence through intensive researches. Since most studies are done on behalf of female victims, socio-demographic attributes of male victims need to be further investigated. As such, the characteristics of male victims susceptible to domestic violence and its implications can deeply be explored. Materials and Methods An author-made questionnaire was utilized as instrument in the determination of domestic violence. The instrument has thirteen and twenty four items for the evaluation of psychological and physical violence respectively. Each item was formulated based on the available literature in the assessment of violence. Also, each item was rated based on five-point Likert-type scale. In line with this, the validity of the instrument was evaluated by co-administering with the Conflict Tactic Scale in a hundred of couples. The correlation computed between the two instrument was +0. 89 indicating the high validity of the author-made questionnaire (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). On the other hand, the measured Cronbach’s Alpha for the consistency of the devised instrument was +0. 81 (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). In 2006, the devised instrument was administered to one hundred twenty male victims of domestic violence from four family courts in Iran (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). The subjects were randomly and voluntarily selected, and were informed that they are free to move out from the study anytime they want. They were also oriented on the purpose of the study and that any information will be treated with high regards of confidentiality. Then multivariate analysis of variance or MANOVA and Scheffe test were employed to assess the effects of socio-demographic factors and their interactions to the incidence of physical and psychological violence. Results and Discussion Repondents From twenty five to eighty years old was the age range of the samples wherein among them 40% has education above high school diploma, 25% earned less than high school diploma, 20% earned above high school diploma, and 15% has a high school diploma. In terms of monthly income, 30% has above $590, 35% has $160-$380, 29% has $380-$590, and 6% has below $160 salary. Age and Domestic Violence It was found that age has a significant effect on the incidence of physical violence. As showed by the Scheffe test, men of ages thirty five to fifty have the highest rate of physical violence experience. In terms of psychological violence, age has significance in the incidence of denying choices and cutting off marital intercourse. Additionally, based on Scheffe test cessation of marital intercourse was mainly observed among thirty five to fifty years old men while denying choices was mainly observed among men of sixty five to eighty years of ages. Educational Attainment and Domestic Violence Based on MANOVA, educational attainment has significant effect on throwing of objects. Through Scheffe test, it was found that men with Bachelor’s degree were most often victimized by object thrown. In terms of psychological violence, educational attainment has significance on the incidence of denying choices, cessation of marital intercourse, and devaluation of work. As the Scheffed test showed, denying of choices was much observed in men with Bachelor’s degree while cessation of marital status was mainly observed to men with low educational attainment. Also, devaluation of work was commonly observed among men with diploma. Level of Income, Interactive Effects and Domestic Violence Although the study failed to prove any connection between domestic violence and level of income, the interactive effects of age, educational attainment, and income level have significance with the incidence of hitting. The Scheffe test showed that physical violence was generally experienced by thirty five to fifty years old men with Master’s level of education, and above $590 monthly income. With regards to psychological violence, the interactive effects of age and educational attainment were significant to denying choices. This type of physical violence was mainly observed in men with bachelor’s degree and of above sixty years of age. Moreover, the interactive effects of age and level of income has significance with the incidence of forced household chores task, devaluation of work, and denying choices. The study revealed that: forced household chores task was mostly observed in men with $380 to $590 monthly income within thirty five to fifty years old range; devaluation of work was mainly observe in men with the ages twenty to thirty five years old earning $380 to $590 per month; and denying choices was observed prevalently in men of fifty to sixty five years of ages earning $160 to $380 monthly. Meanwhile, the interactive effects of age, educational attainment, and income level were significant with forced household chores task. This relationship was mainly observed among men with Bachelor’s degrees, of thirty five to fifty ages, and earning $380-$590 monthly. Analysis Even though this study is unique and very revealing in the sense that this was the first research conducted in Iran with respect to the domestic violence committed by women towards their respective partners, there are also weaknesses and limitations. First, the validity and consistency of the author-made questionnaire as the singly instrument utilized to measure the presence and extent of domestic violence is of great question. The validity and consistency of the author-made questionnaire were based solely on the validity and consistency correlations with the Conflict Tactic Scale which is commonly used in the assessment of domestic violence against women. In addition, there are other instruments available for the evaluation of domestic violence such as the Partner-Abused Scale, Abusive Behavior Inventory, and Index of Marital Satisfaction. The validity, reliability, and consistency of these instruments have been verified and established for a long time. Since these available instruments on violence are typically used for the assessment of violence against women, it is then invalid to construct an instrument specific for male victims based only on one of these instruments. Thus, there was a possible bias on the construction of the instrument utilized in this study that probably served as source of error in data collection. Furthermore, the Conflict Tactic Scale which is the solely basis of the author-made questionnaire was tested primarily through the researches conductive in the Western and in some European Countries, hence, cultural differences may possibly serve as interference in the study. Even though domestic violence is ubiquitous across cultures, but cultural factors may influence socio-demographic attributes of the subjects of the study. As such, the validity and reliability of a particular instrument in a specific nation may not hold true for another country. In this line of reasoning, the correlations revealed by this research on socio-demographic characteristics and domestic violence on men may only be valid and reliable with respect to the populations of their own country. Although the results seemed to be comparable with the results of studies conducted in different countries, the authors failed to discuss crucial aspects of those studies in relation to their study like the instrument used and statistical treatment applied. Result comparison among conducted researches with different research design and methodology would result to bias generalization. In fact, in meta-analysis or the integration of the results of several studies, only researches with logically designed methodology and with validated data are included in order to derive a valid generalization (Wolf, 1986). Similarly, by comparing the results of this study with other researches of different research designs so as to make it credible would lead to erroneous generalization. References Pournaghash-Tehrani, S. and Feizabadi, Z. (2007). Comparing Demographic Characteristics of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. Journal of Applied Science, 7(14): 1930-1935. Wolf, F. M. (1986). Meta-Analysis: Quantitative Methods for Research Synthesis. Michigan: Sage Publication.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Scott Joplin

SCOTT JOPLIN April 7, 2004 Scott Joplin is thought to have been born in mid –1867 in or near Linden, Texas. His birth parents were Florence Givens and Jiles Joplin; Scott was the second of six children. Sometime in 1871 the family moved to Texarkana, Texas where Scott’s mother cleaned the homes of the well off white people. These homes were where Scott learned to play the piano. In 1882 Scott’s mother purchased the first piano for the Joplin home. The Joplin family was very musical. Florence sang and played banjo, while Jiles played the violin, and Scott played the piano, violin and sang. While in Texarkana, Scott’s talents were noticed by a local music teacher, Julius Weiss. Weiss educated him further, with emphasis on European art forms and opera. It is believed that this education was his basis for his composing form. The 1880s found Joplin in Lincoln High School, located in the black district of Sedalia, Missouri. Records show many black families with the â€Å"Joplin† name in Sedalia at that time. It is thought that he could have been related to and staying with a number of them. In 1891 Joplin began his traveling. First he began touring with a minstrel group in Texarkana. Then in 1893 he was said to be in Chicago playing the cornet and leading a band, probably somewhere outside of the 1893 World’s Fair. After the Fair he set up in Sedalia, and that became his home. There ha played first cornet with the Queen City Cornet Band. After a year of playing with the band, he began to itch for the road. He formed the Texas Medley Group, his first vocal group and went to Syracuse, New York. There he impressed several businessmen, who issued his first two publications, Please Say You Will and A Picture of Her Face. While not on the road, Joplin worked in Sedalia as a pianist and at the town’s two black gentlemen’s clubs, the Maple Leaf Rag and the Black 400 Club. Also he taught some of the young musicians in tow... Free Essays on Scott Joplin Free Essays on Scott Joplin SCOTT JOPLIN April 7, 2004 Scott Joplin is thought to have been born in mid –1867 in or near Linden, Texas. His birth parents were Florence Givens and Jiles Joplin; Scott was the second of six children. Sometime in 1871 the family moved to Texarkana, Texas where Scott’s mother cleaned the homes of the well off white people. These homes were where Scott learned to play the piano. In 1882 Scott’s mother purchased the first piano for the Joplin home. The Joplin family was very musical. Florence sang and played banjo, while Jiles played the violin, and Scott played the piano, violin and sang. While in Texarkana, Scott’s talents were noticed by a local music teacher, Julius Weiss. Weiss educated him further, with emphasis on European art forms and opera. It is believed that this education was his basis for his composing form. The 1880s found Joplin in Lincoln High School, located in the black district of Sedalia, Missouri. Records show many black families with the â€Å"Joplin† name in Sedalia at that time. It is thought that he could have been related to and staying with a number of them. In 1891 Joplin began his traveling. First he began touring with a minstrel group in Texarkana. Then in 1893 he was said to be in Chicago playing the cornet and leading a band, probably somewhere outside of the 1893 World’s Fair. After the Fair he set up in Sedalia, and that became his home. There ha played first cornet with the Queen City Cornet Band. After a year of playing with the band, he began to itch for the road. He formed the Texas Medley Group, his first vocal group and went to Syracuse, New York. There he impressed several businessmen, who issued his first two publications, Please Say You Will and A Picture of Her Face. While not on the road, Joplin worked in Sedalia as a pianist and at the town’s two black gentlemen’s clubs, the Maple Leaf Rag and the Black 400 Club. Also he taught some of the young musicians in tow...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Famous Inventors and Inventions - M Biographies

Famous Inventors and Inventions - M Biographies Paul MacCready Invented the first human-powered flying machine in history. Charles Macintosh Received a patent for a method for making waterproof garments by using rubber dissolved in coal-tar naphtha for cementing two pieces of cloth together. The mackintosh raincoat was named after Charles Macintosh. Cluny MacPherson Canadian, Cluny MacPherson invented the Macpherson gas mask and started the first St. Johns Ambulance Brigade. Akhil Madhani Honored with the Lemelson-MIT Award for his robotics invention. Theodore Harold Maiman Received a patent for the Ruby Laser System. Guglielmo Marconi In 1895, Marconi invented equipment that transmitted electrical signals through the air (part of telegraphy and radio transmission). Warren Marrison Developed the first quartz clock. Forrest Mars Forrest Mars invented the recipe for MMs chocolateb during the Spanish Civil War. Stanley Mason Invented a clothespin fishing lure, the first disposable contoured diapers, the squeezable ketchup bottle, the granola bar, a heated pizza box, plastic microwave cookingware, and a dental floss dispenser. Thomas Massie Invented the haptic computer interface, a computer interface system that enhances virtual reality. Sybilla Masters The first women ever recorded in history for inventing. However, women have been inventing since the dawn of time without the deserved recognition. John Mathews John Mathews has been called the Father of the American Soda Water industry. Jan Ernst Matzeliger Developed an automatic method for lasting shoes and made the mass-production of affordable shoes possible. John W Maunchly Co-invented the ENIAC computer. Robert D Maurer Invented fiber-optic communication innovations and co-invented fiber-optic wire. Hiram Maxim Inventor of the Maxim Machine Gun. James Clerk Maxwell One of the worlds greatest physicists. Stanley Mazor Received a patent for a computer microprocessor. Cyrus Hall McCormick A Chicago industrialist who invented the first commercially successful reaper, a horse-drawn machine that harvested wheat. Elijah McCoy McCoy is best known for inventing the automatic oil cup. During his life, he invented and sold 57 different kinds of devices and machine parts including an ironing board and a lawn sprinkler. See Also - Elijah McCoy - Patents James McLurkin Invented Robot Ants robots. Arthur Melin Co-invented the modern hula hoop. Gerardus Mercator The Mercator map projection was invented by Gerardus Mercator as a navigation tool. Ottmar Mergenthaler Invented the linotype-composing machine in 1886. George de Mestral Invented VELCRO and Mother Nature could not have made it better herself. Robert Metcalfe Introduced the world to network computing with the ethernet. Antonio Meucci American-Italian inventor. Microsoft Profile of American computing giant, Microsoft. Alexander Miles Invented an improved elevator. John A Miller The Thomas Edison of roller coasters. Irving Millman Co-invented a vaccine against viral hepatitis and developed a test that identified hepatitis B in blood samples. Dennis Moeller Co-invented improvements in computer architecture that allows IBM compatible PCs to share the same peripheral devices. Ann Moore Invented the Snugli baby carrier. Gordon E Moore The co-founder of the Intel Corporation and the author of Moores Law. Garrett A Morgan Invented a gas mask and received a patent for a traffic light. William G Morgan Invented volleyball in 1895, at a YMCA in Holyoke, MA. Krysta Morlan Invented a device that relieves the irritation caused by wearing a cast - the cast cooler. William Morrison - Walter Frederick Morrison A plastic version of the Frisbie. William Morrison Built a electric-powered six-passenger wagon in 1891. Samuel Morse Invented telegraph wires and Morse code, an electronic alphabet patented in 1840. The first telegraph read, What hath God wrought!. See Also - Timeline Andrew J Moyer Moyers patents were for the industrial production of penicillin. Louis Marius Moyroud Invented the first practical phototypesetting machine. K Alex Muller In 1986, Alex MÃ ¼ller and Johannes Georg Bednorz invented the first high-temperature superconductor. Kary Banks Mullis Invented PCR, the process for amplifying nucleic acids. Eadweard Muybridge Eadweard Muybridge conducted motion-sequence still photographic experiments and is often called the Father of the motion picture. Try Searching by Invention If you cannot find what you want, try searching by invention. Continue Alphabetically: N Starting Surnames

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Not Only in French

The Restrictive Only / Not Only in French There are two common French equivalents for the restrictive only in English: seulement and ne... que. These two terms mean essentially the same thing, but seulement is an adverb of quantity while ne... que is a negative adverb, so theyre used a bit differently Seulement: Only The simplest way to say only in French is with the adverb seulement, which can qualify a noun, verb, or clause.Jai seulement un livre.I have only one book. Il voit seulement les films à ©trangers.He only sees foreign movies. Note how the placement of seulement can change the meaning: Jai lu seulement deux pages pour te faire plaisir.I read only two pages to please you. (You didnt want  me to read more.) Jai lu deux pages seulement pour te faire plaisir.I read two pages only to please you. (I didnt feel like reading, but I did it for you.) Il veut seulement travailler la banque.He only wants to work at the bank. (He doesnt want to invest there). Il veut travailler seulement la banque.He wants to work only at the bank. (He doesnt want to work at the store). Ne... Que: Only in the Negative An equally common but slightly more complicated way to say only is with ne... que, which is used similarly to other negative adverbs: ne goes in front of the verb and que  usually follows it.Je nai quun livre.I have only one book.Il ne voit que les films à ©trangers.He sees only foreign movies.As with seulement, you can change the meaning by placing que directly in front of the word you want to qualify.Je nai lu que deux pages pour te faire plaisir.I read only two pages to please you.Je nai lu deux pages que pour te faire plaisir.I read two pages only to please you.Il ne veut que travailler la banque.He only wants to work at the bank.Il ne veut travailler qu la banque.He wants to work only at the bank.Note that indefinite and partitive articles do not change to de after ne... que, the way they do after other negative adverbs:Je nai quun livre.I have only one book.Il ne veut que des idà ©es.He only wants ideas, Hes just looking for some ideas. Negation: Not Only To say not only, you can negate ne... que into ne... pas que, which can stand alone or be followed by additional information: Je nai pas que 3 livres (jai 2 stylos aussi).I dont have only 3 books (I have 2 pens too)Il ny a pas que le travail (il faut vivre aussi).Work isnt all there is; Theres more [to life] than just work.Il nà ©tait pas quen retard....He wasnt just late (theres more to it than that). Seulement​ Seulement has two negatives. The first one, ne... pas seulement is pretty much interchangeable with ne... pas que.Je nai pas seulement 3 livres...I dont have only 3 books ...Il ny a pas seulement le travail....Work isnt all there is...Il nà ©tait pas seulement en retard....He wasnt just late... Non-Seulement The other negative,  non seulement, cannot be used in a stand-alone clause; it must be balanced with something like aussi, mais encore, etc.Il y a non seulement le travail  ; il faut vivre aussi.Work isnt all there is; you have to live too. Non seulement jai 3 livres, mais aussi 2 stylos.I dont have only 3 books, I have 2 pens too.Non seulement il à ©tait en retard, mais encore il à ©tait ivre.He was not only late, but drunk (too). Not only was he late, he was (also) drunk.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Macroeconomics - exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Macroeconomics - exam - Essay Example The money supply can be influenced through three main tools which the Federal Reserve or the Central Bank of a country will use to either create money or reduce money. These options include 1. Changing the Required Reserve Ratio – Reserve Ratio can be described as the percentage of depositors balances which the banks are expected to have on hand as cash. The Federal Reserve can change this rate depending on whether it wish to reduce or increase money supply. When the ratio is lowered, the banks can lend out more funds, increasing the money supply. Conversely if the reserve ratio is increase, the banks have to lend less and keep more money in the reserves. 2. Chaniging the discount rate or the prime lending rate – at which the commercial banks borrow from the central bank can also create more money or less money. If the prime lending rate is low the commercial banks can borrow more and lend out to the economy which will create more money within the market. 3. Engaging in open market operations - By actively engaging in open market operations such as buying and selling of various credit instruments and foreign currencies or commodities, the Federal reserve can either create or reduce money. Open market operations allow central banks great flexibility in the timing and volume of monetary operations at their own initiative, encourage an impersonal, businesslike relationship with participants in the marketplace, and provide a means of avoiding the inefficiencies of direct controls. To calculate the reserves, the depositors money should be multiplied by the reserve rate stipulated by the Federal Reserve + 100. For example, If reserve rate is 10% and bank has deposits of $1 billion, it is required to have $110 million on reserve. If the bank has 220 billion in its reserve and depositors deposits are 190 billion then to find out the reserve

Friday, October 18, 2019

Presentation about iPhone 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Presentation about iPhone 5 - Essay Example As stated above, the iPhone was designed for a wide range of consumers having varied needs of a mobile phone. The iPhone 5 marketers have divided the consumers into several segmentation variables. These are according to demographics, psychographics, and behavior. Demographically, the marketers of the iPhone 5 targets people aged between eighteen years to 35 years. These consist of groups of young people consisting of students and young working professionals. The majority sales of iphone 5 are consumed by this market segment. Despite the fact that this demographic information is useful, the marketers have also employed the use of psychographic technique to do further segmentation. This is by developing virtual profiles which paints a vivid picture of the true iPhone 5 users. This has helped distinguish specific people having certain traits of using the iPhone 5. In addition to demographic and Psychographics, iPhone marketers have studied the how the consumers could use the product. As a result, the consumers have been segmented behaviorally i.e. behavioral segmentation. Marketing mix involves creating a combination of price, product, promotion and distribution to the greatest extend possible in order to satisfy consumers’ needs in a chosen market segment. To satisfy the consumers’ needs, iPhone 5 marketers have a determination to satisfy the customers and as a result, they use marketing mix techniques. Marketing channel system refers to a particular group of interdependent organizations which are engaged in the process of availing a product for consumption. The iPhone 5 manufacturers, Apple, use both the push strategy and the pull strategy to attract consumers. In the push strategy, the company is using its resources to induce intermediaries to promote carry and sell the product to the end users. In the pull strategy, additional forms of communication are employed to convince

The Rise & Fall of a Billion Dollar Company Enron Term Paper

The Rise & Fall of a Billion Dollar Company Enron - Term Paper Example In the year 1999, the company introduced its broadband services named as Enron Online, which was a website for trading commodities that enabled the company to acquire the largest position in the globe. A major chunk of business was acquired from online trade business (Fox, 2003). Growth of Enron over the years was tremendous.  In the year 2000, the company's annual revenue touched the new heights of USD 100 billion. It  stood at the position of the seventh largest company of the world as reported by the Fortune 500 and the sixth largest business entity in energy sector of the world. The company's stock price at capital market witnessed its peak that was 90 USD (Fusaro & Miller, 2002). Every one knew that Enron was the billionaire business conglomerate of the United States of America housed in Houston, Texas. The prime business of this entity was energy, commodities and services before it was declared bankrupt in the year 2001. It employed more than 20,000 employees to deal with t heir electricity natural gas, communication, pulp and paper company businesses that generated revenue around 101 billion USD (Fusaro & Miller, 2002). The renowned business magazine â€Å"Fortune† placed Enron as America’s the most innovative company for consecutive six years. In the year 2001, the signs of financial frauds came to surface in the said company. This had created a storm in the corporate world. With this financial scam, many questions were raised about the efficiency of standard accounting practice. To overcome this situation in future, the legislators of USA created Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 (McLean & Elkind, 2003). The dissolution of Arthur Anderson accounting firm had jolted number of companies around the world. The Enron financial scam was considered as one of the biggest and perhaps most complex bankruptcy cases in the history of United States of America (Fox, 2003). Incumbents In the year 1990, Jeff Skilling, Chief Financial Officer, hired Andrew Fa stow, who was well versed with the tricks of the trade wanted to exploit the energy market. To achieve the desired goal, Fastow established numerous entities to handle common business practices. It also allowed Enron to place liability in order to maintain a robust growth of stock price to keep its critical investment grade credit ratings intact (Swartz & Watkins, 2003). Kenneth Lee "Ken" Lay was an American businessman whose role in terms of widely reported corruption that caused the downfall of Enron cannot be undermined. He and Enron became the part and parcel of corporate abuse and accounting fraud. Lay was enjoying the status of CEO and Chairman of Enron over a period of two decades till his resignation (Brewer & Hansen, 2002). In the year 2004, Lay was indicted by a constituted grand jury on 11 counts concerning securities’ frauds. The trial of Lay and Skilling began in Houston wherein Lay was found guilty on account of committing and abetting financial frauds. The comp etent court of law awarded him punishment on 10 counts leaving the 11th count relating to securities fraud, making false and misleading statements. Each count as per American Law attracted maximum 5 to 10 years rigorous imprisonment (Hodak, 2007). In the year 1999, Jeff Skilling raised the cash by selling off his assets to overcome the paucity of funds. The assets of Enron Oil and Gas Company were put on sale for gaining information about the market value. The company ran its business smoothly

Disease resulting by global warming Research Paper

Disease resulting by global warming - Research Paper Example â€Å"With extreme climate change, vulnerable groups of people such as the elderly and the children will be more prone to diseases such as increased occurrence of flu and fever (US, 2009 page 24).† Also, many bacteria and viruses reproduce in extreme weather and this may result in increased strain of diseases caused by these microorganisms. Climate change due to global warming will also affect the Agriculture cycle and people will experience more food drought than what is documented. As a result of poor nutrition and malnutrition, more diseases will also be exhibited. Studies show that diseases such as Lyme disease, tuberculosis, avian influenza, cholera, Ebola, infestation and infection of intestinal and external parasites, yellow fever, sleeping sickness, and malaria will increase in prevalence due to global warming (Shapley, 2008). Diseases Caused by Global warming The most direct effect of global warming is by causing an increase in infectious microorganisms. Diseases such as Cholera, Ebola, malaria, sleeping sickness Lyme disease are caused by micro pathogens that are transmitted by hosts. Some disease such as malaria and sleeping sickness are more prevalent in subtropical and tropical areas compared to more wet and cold areas (Hauser, 2013). Thus, these diseases are more prevalent in Africa as compared to western countries. This is due to the different weather patterns in the regions. However, with global warming the climate pattern will be affected. Thus, such diseases that are only found in tropical and subtropical regions can even be spread in the Western regions. Malaria can be deadly if unchecked and can result in fatalities both for the children and the adults. Malaria pathogens quickly mutate and thus, resistant strains are quickly rising. The problem is that the discovery and manufacture of effective drugs is not as fast as the resistance rate. A global epidemic of malaria can turn out to be catastrophic. Global warming can also cause the p revalence of temperate weather. Many microorganisms cannot survive in temperate weather. However, with temperate weather many organisms can be able to survive long enough to reproduce and be infectious. This can lead to the introduction of some diseases which have not been documented yet. Some microorganisms also tend to thrive better in extreme temperatures. This stability may result in prevalence of the diseases and making the disease more infectious than in normal temperatures. Metabolism of humans is also affected in temperate temperatures. This may affect the physiology of humans leaving them prone to diseases (Schnackenberg, 2012). Warmer weather may result in increased reproduction of parasites and rodents that carry pathogenic microorganisms. Increased number of hosts will lead to increased chances of the parasites and rodents of picking up pathogens and transmitting them to humans. In households, growths of many microorganisms are favored by warm and humid environments. Thu s, if cold regions such as the North Pole were to become warm, many microorganisms will thrive there causing a spread of diseases. Researchers also predict that change in climatic condition will lead to increase in the cycle of transmissions of pathogens by the carriers to the humans. An indirect effect on how global warming can cause diseases is by affecting the Agriculture cycle. The growth of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Limitations of the Use of Fisc Case Study - 1

Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Limitations of the Use of Fiscal Policies - Case Study Example There was a continuous rise in the staple food prices resulting in runaway inflation close to 6%. The European central bank raised the interest rates and increase in the unemployment rate at the end of 2008 due to the outbreak of the housing bubble all contributed in resulting the recession. The US GDP showed its slowdown in 2008 (Suffolk County Council, 2008, pp.3-4) and fell further in 2009, the first time since the 1950s. There was a decline in capital investment since the last quarter of 2006 and the pace of residential investment dropped down in the first part of 2009. The US domestic demand is a record breaker dropping down to 2.6% per quarter. Unemployment also started to rise and matched with that of the early 1980s. Fiscal stimulus played an important role in nullifying recessionary spiral. However, the impact seems to be much less for economies with higher amounts of public debt. In order to support the aggregate demand, the need of the time is aggressive monetary policies. Economists who follow Keynes argues that an expansionary fiscal policy act as an incentive to increase aggregate demand. Even such a step may not be fruitful because steady economic growth depends on the health of the economy. Restoring the confidence of the financial sector is the key to move out from such a situation (International Monetary Fund, 2009, pp. 111-112). The need is to analyse the effects of discretionary policies on the severity of recessions. Expansionary fiscal policy acts to increase demand either directly through an increase in government expenditure or indirectly through a reduction in tax which will stimulate the private consumption to take effect. There may be a few limitations of using fiscal policy in order to increase aggregate demand. The time factor is to be taken into account. The government needs time to change its fiscal plans and once implemented the new plan will take time to increase the aggregate demand. Again increasing aggregate demand may be the factor in causing crowding out which means that if the government tries to increase its expenditure then it may lead to falling in private sector spending.  Ã‚  

Being aware of ethical leadership Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Being aware of ethical leadership - Thesis Example Ethical leaders pay close attention when making sound judgments and upholding the values such as integrity to the utmost (Mandela, 1995).A similar research carried out by Werhane notes that the features of ethical leaders are similar across the organizational continuum, though vary depending on the variety. Ethical leaders carry out the following: Articulate vision and embody the purpose and values of the organization unto which they serve. This incorporates a strong and firm culture that is enhanced through stories and myths that help strengthen the relationship among stakeholders (Ciulla and Solomon, 2010). In today’s business, it is a difficult task that has to be performed business leaders lest they face public scrutiny over their behaviors. As the author notes , ethical leadership is about helping people to realize their hopes and dreams, creating value for stakeholders and doing these tasks with the intensity and zeal of the that ethics implies in a given society. In addition Ciulla and Solomon, there must be mistakes, for humor and for humanity. Second, ethical leaders focus on organizational success rather the personal ego. This implies that they ought to focus on the network of constituents. Some of the decisions leaders make are morally wrong aimed at making a profit yet, an ethical leader has to make a decision that will both benefit the organizations and still remain ethical in the public lenses. It can also be pointed out that that judging someone’s integrity than someone’s experience and skills (Mandela, 1995). Third, there is need to create a continuous conversation about ethics, values and the creation of value for the shareholders. Yunus.M (2004), notes that having written values about ethical issues does not neither prove vital nor imminent, but rather routine conversations that are discussed on similar subjects in an organization. As leaders, there have an obligation to foster a continuous thinking so the pace of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Limitations of the Use of Fisc Case Study - 1

Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Limitations of the Use of Fiscal Policies - Case Study Example There was a continuous rise in the staple food prices resulting in runaway inflation close to 6%. The European central bank raised the interest rates and increase in the unemployment rate at the end of 2008 due to the outbreak of the housing bubble all contributed in resulting the recession. The US GDP showed its slowdown in 2008 (Suffolk County Council, 2008, pp.3-4) and fell further in 2009, the first time since the 1950s. There was a decline in capital investment since the last quarter of 2006 and the pace of residential investment dropped down in the first part of 2009. The US domestic demand is a record breaker dropping down to 2.6% per quarter. Unemployment also started to rise and matched with that of the early 1980s. Fiscal stimulus played an important role in nullifying recessionary spiral. However, the impact seems to be much less for economies with higher amounts of public debt. In order to support the aggregate demand, the need of the time is aggressive monetary policies. Economists who follow Keynes argues that an expansionary fiscal policy act as an incentive to increase aggregate demand. Even such a step may not be fruitful because steady economic growth depends on the health of the economy. Restoring the confidence of the financial sector is the key to move out from such a situation (International Monetary Fund, 2009, pp. 111-112). The need is to analyse the effects of discretionary policies on the severity of recessions. Expansionary fiscal policy acts to increase demand either directly through an increase in government expenditure or indirectly through a reduction in tax which will stimulate the private consumption to take effect. There may be a few limitations of using fiscal policy in order to increase aggregate demand. The time factor is to be taken into account. The government needs time to change its fiscal plans and once implemented the new plan will take time to increase the aggregate demand. Again increasing aggregate demand may be the factor in causing crowding out which means that if the government tries to increase its expenditure then it may lead to falling in private sector spending.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Quality of Education in the Public School System Essay Example for Free

The Quality of Education in the Public School System Essay Basic education whether it is from a public or a private school is one of the most fundamental needs of mankind. It is responsible for the advancement of our civilization. Education is a vital necessity and the fundamental right of an individual. It is difficult to put a price tag for education. However, it can be said that education is the window to numerous opportunities and the most essential means of poverty elevation. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Everyone has the right to education Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (art.26 Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Today’s education system has become an issue of debate especially between the public and the private school educational quality. Each and every parent has their own set of choices for their children. Many people opt for having a religious affiliation, for others the costs of private school may not be affordable (Public School Review n.pag). This paper compares the major differences between both public and the private schools and also gives a few recommendations of improving the quality of education in the public school system. If we take into consideration the cost involved in the public and the private schools, it can be noted that public schools are funded through federal, state and local taxes. For instance, when a person pays taxes to the government they are paying for their childs education and the education of other children in the community. On the other hand, private schools do not run on the tax revenues or any fund from the government.   Instead, these schools are funded through tuition, fundraising, donations and private grants. Therefore, when a parent has to send their child to school they compare the cost of education. If the parent is not financially capable to pay the fees for the private school, then obviously the parent opts for public schools where the fees structure is much less and compromise on the quality of education. In order to improve the quality of the public schools it is essential to increase the funding to these schools, improve the infrastructure and also increase the number of teaching faculty. When it comes to admission, public schools admit all children, and therefore these schools are multicultural in nature. As per the rules in most of the countries, public schools are open for all and must educate all children (Public Education Network n.pag). Private schools are selective in nature. For instance, schools managed by churches give preference to Christians. They are not compelled to accept every child by any rule. Today because of this reason private school admission is very competitive. It is therefore important that public schools need to continue and improve their multicultural nature and promote education among all communities equally. It is essential to recognize the diversity of groups and issues that are present in every town and city (Leistyna 1-23). Whether fair or not, educational opportunity and academic achievement are directly tied to the social divisions associated with race, ethnicity, gender, first language, and social class. The level and quality of educational attainment either open the doors to opportunity or close them. —Educational psychologist Edmund W. Gordon in The Covenant with Black America In general public schools offer subjects which usually includes math, English, reading, writing, science, history, physical education, music and arts. The substance of what children learn is mandated by the state and learning is measured through tests and examinations. In private schools these subjects are flexible for students. Besides the students are taught the curriculum using various effective techniques such as take children on extended outdoor trips that blend lessons across the curriculum. Such innovative trips increase the practical knowledge of the students. Private schools are not bound by any rules and therefore they can create their own curriculum and assessment systems. In order to improve the public schools it is important to take some of the special teaching techniques followed by the private schools ( n.pag). In terms of the teaching faculty it is a well known fact that the teachers in public schools are usually state certified or, at least working toward certification. Public school teachers need compulsory college degrees and to be licensed by the state (Broward County Public Schools n.pag). Qualified teachers with certification ensure that they have gone through the training required by the state, which includes student teaching and coursework. However, this is lacking in a private schools. Teachers in private schools may not be required to have certification but often have good subject area expertise and an undergraduate or graduate degree in the subject they teach. It is important to maintain the standards of payment in public and private schools because teachers also need to maintain high standards of living. Private schools are usually committed to providing attention to each and every child individually and therefore keep the class size small. Many parents choose private schools for this reason. In public schools though many states recognize the value of small classes, they are unable to do so because of overcrowding and lack of good infrastructure especially in large school districts and urban schools ( n.pag). As a result teachers cannot give equal attention to individual students or for students with special needs. It is essential therefore to decrease the size of classes in public schools to improve the quality of education. Finally, it can be said that in order to improve the public education system, it is essential to equitably allocate resources. For instance, educational and administrative staffing ratios show how many students per teacher or per administrator are in each school. Work Cited    Public School Review, Public School vs. Private School (2007) Public School Review LLC. 21 October 2007, Public Education Network, Public Schools Must Be Held Accountable, Americans Say (26 July 2007) 21 October 2007, Leistyna, P. Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Community Partnerships in Urban Public Schools, The Urban Review, Volume 34, Number 1 / March, 2002, pp 1-23., Private vs. Public Schools: Whats the Difference? (February 2007) GreatSchools Staff, 21 October 2007, Broward County Public Schools, Public Vs. Private Education 21 October 2007,

Monday, October 14, 2019

How To Make Macys More Competitive Business Essay

How To Make Macys More Competitive Business Essay A larger chunk of the total workforce is at Macys are categorized as employees who are floor managers, supervisors, cashiers, handlers, and sales associates at Macys retail stores. We have found that this category of employees have a really high turnover rate. There are several repercussions associated with a high turnover rate. If the turnover rate is high, the employees become demoralized in their work duties which results in inadequate efficiency. Although, the high turnover is found amongst the lower level staff but still there is a humungous cost associated with turnover. The cost to recruit, select, and train new employees often exceed 100% of the annual salary of the position being filled (Allen, Bryant, Vardaman, 2010). Based on the exit interviews conducted by the management, it is found that most of the turnover is voluntary and controllable turnover. Voluntary turnover is when employees leave the company by their own choice whereas controllable turnover is when employees decide to leave for reasons that are influenced by the employer. Therefore, it is evident that the high turnover rate has resulted due to lack of managerial effectiveness. Macys employs a diverse workforce of more than 167,000 employees because of which it is difficult to have a flat hierarchical structure. As a result the communication between lower level staff and high level staff is almost non-existent. Therefore, it is important for us to restructure the way we recruit our workforce especially for the positions that require managerial activities. The HR department along with the collaboration with the department of IT, Marketing, Finance, and Operations has realized that there is a need for an urgent strategy to reduce employee turnover because reducing this ratio is one of the ways to make Macys competitive again. The strategy will be dual phased. The first phase of the strategy will focus on how to effectively recruit individuals for managerial positions in the stores. For this pre-employment testing will be introduced in to the workplace which will test the managerial skills of the selected candidates for those positions. The first phase will also consist of conducting employee surveys every six months which will focus on employees feelings and attitudes about their jobs and the organization. The second phase of the strategy will be the creation of a blog with collaboration with the IT department. The blog will give a platform for the employees at all levels of management to communicate with each other and discuss their pr oblems, job duties, problems at the workplace, and how they feel about the organization. The strategy to reduce turnover and increase Macys competiveness will be discussed further in detail in the Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation Phase. Macys employee turnover rate is 3.726% compared to an industry average of 3.1%. It is computed by dividing the number of employees in the beginning of the year (167,000) by the number of employees remaining at the end of the year (161,000). The resultant figure (1.03726) is then subtracted from one (0.03726) and multiplied by a hundred (3.726%) to determine the employee turnover in terms of percentage (Department of Labor, 2010). Although, the employee turnover rate is very close to the industry average, a small difference in the percentages could translate into a significant monetary amount. The cost of turnover is usually the cost to find, interview, train, and equip a new hire. Research shows that a minimum of $1,500 per employee is the cost of a turnover. While $1,500 may not be a huge amount of money for a store to cover that cost. Macys Inc. has a net profit margin of only 1.49% which means that the company has to sell million dollars worth of items to cover that cost (Wolfe, 2010). Since most of the workforce at Macys comprises of lower management staff such as floor managers, cashiers, supervisors, handlers, and sales associates, it is important to lower the employee turnover rate because otherwise the employees will become demoralized in their work duties which eventually results in decreased efficiency. In order to make Macys more competitive there are a number of strategies that need to be pursued specifically by the Human Resources department. The strategy consists of developing an internal blog for better communication, conducting exit interviews for valuable feedback, and hiring managers and supervisors effectively and efficiently. The reason to develop a blog is to give the lower management a platform where they can communicate freely with the upper management. This will not only result in increased communication between the two but also, a relationship between the two will be developed. In this blog, the employees will have liberty to write, comment, and share anything they would want coworkers and upper management to consider. This could be complaints, recommendations, opinions, workplace ethics, job duties, or job descriptions. The reason to conduct exit interviews is to primarily get feedback from departing employees. Secondly, it gives the management an opportunity to retain the employee so as to overcome the cost of recruiting a new employee. The departing employees could be given a questionnaire which highlights job duties, management, job variety, work environment. This way the management can review the recommendation and opinion given by the departing employee and take necessary actions. Effectively recruiting managers and supervisors is also related to the high employee turnover rate. It is evident that the current managers were not effectively recruited because they lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively manage and supervise a team of employees. During the hiring process, the HR department can develop a questionnaire which shall test the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the candidates and determine if they have the key competencies to over achieve their job duties. In order to make Macys more competitive, the HR department has developed a three phased strategy. The first phase of the strategy deals with effective recruiting of managers and supervisors. This will require a development of new hiring techniques such as the use of latest technological instruments to filter the best candidates from job postings. Furthermore, online testing and questionnaires will be developed so as to test and hire the most competent candidate. The second phase of the strategy deals with conducting exit interviews from the departing employees. This will require the HR representative to take notes while interviewing the departing employee because his/her comments, recommendations, and opinions will help in improving working conditions and retaining employees. Sometimes, these interviews could save a company from being sued as some employees depart and later sue the company for reasons they were never aware of. The notes that the HR representative takes can become useful in the courtroom. Furthermore, in collaboration with the IT department, this phase will require a creation of a database to store and manage the feedback received from the questionnaires and interview. Phase three is the most important part of the strategy which is the creation of a blog which will be formed with collaboration from the IT department. The costs associated with creating the blog are negligible except the cost of time. Usually, the cost to create a blog is around $100 which includes a domain name, unlimited uploads and downloads, and unlimited backup of data uploaded on to secure servers. Effective recruiting, creation of a blog, and conducting exit interviews will serve as the basis to evaluate and control the high employee turnover. It can also be evaluated by checking the employee turnover rates at the end of first quarter of the year 2011. A low employee turnover would mean more cost savings from the HR department which could eventually be used to for higher profits and higher dividends to stockholders. Additionally, to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy, the HR department will have to collaborate once again with the IT department to develop a database of the departing and departed employees. The reason for doing that would be, as these employees would be already trained and already knowledgeable about the company, it could help cut recruiting costs for the company.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Men vs Women at the Pool Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Men vs Women at the Pool It was a Friday afternoon and the sun was shining off of her freckled nose. She was in a rage because her male counterpart had made plans to go the pool with the rest of his male friends. â€Å"Why can’t I go?† She asked in a whiney voice. â€Å" Because this is man time. Besides, you said you had things to do today.† He replied in a deep voice, as he scratched at his five o’clock shadow. It was funny how she would always have her â€Å"Girls Night Out† and he wouldn’t say a word about it. He actually liked the peace and quiet it afforded him. But if the tables were to ever turn as they did on that beautiful day, she could not understand for the life of her where this sudden urge to be separated came from. They both knew what was going to be going on at the pool that day. Groups of men sitting around their coolers talking about the girl with the big butt or helping their friends strategize on how to get the girl in the string bikini to come closer or at least bend over. That is what men do. The ones that are taken help...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Atticus as a Wise Father in To Kill a Mockingbird :: Character Analysis, Literary Analysis

Lastly, I think that as a father, Atticus is extremely wise. Atticus’s wise parenting ultimately wins his children’s respect and trust, and their devotion to him runs deep. Atticus way of parenting is not typical, such as scolding and punishing. Instead, he parenting style is unique, different from other fathers and he is able to help the children learn from their experiences and thus they progress through levels of morality until they develop the compassionate ability to consider from others’ perspective and views . For example, when scout takes up cussing, Atticus does not deal with the situation directly by reprimanding and chiding her. Instead, he leaves her to cuss, knowing fully that it would just make her swear more. However in time, Scout realises on her own that it is not a right thing to do. I feel what Atticus did was intelligent as Scout may choose to rebel if Atticus interfered too much, and she might even hate him. However by letting her realise her own mistake, she will tend to mature as an teenager and be a better person. Atticus’s lessons are also taught by setting good examples for his children. By acting the same way that he wants his children to act, he is the perfect role model for them. He is wise as he is able to set ideal examples for his children by his actions such as defending his clients and treating others. By using this method of teaching, he is able to quietly and subtly pass on wisdom to his children about life, moral values and other virtues. Instead of talking more, he prefers to show.(EVIDENCE, ELABORATE) Also, Atticus is not a type of father who would love his children dearly all the time. At times, he will be firm and teach them harsh lessons about life when necessary. This is evident when he took Jem along with him to tell Helen Robinson about Tom Robinson’s death. This way, Atticus allows Jem to learn lessons about prejudice and other principles in life. Also, throughout the novel, Attic us works to develop his children’s respective consciences and character, through teaching vital lessons with objectives, such as though humanity has a great capability of evil and wrong doings, it also has a great capacity for good. Also, the evil can be looked upon as good, if one approaches things with an outlook of compassion and understanding, instead of hatred, thus his objective is to teach them to be more compassionate and gracious towards others in life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Motivation and Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma

Is there a relationship between the amounts of control desired in a police organization and the ability of police officials to create a motivating environment among rank-and-file officers? If so, how is balance arrived at between these two apparently opposite concerns in police organizations? I believe that the relationship between the control which is desired and the ability to create a motivating environment. It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees. The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. The difficulty lies within how to gain this control without completely alienating every employee who works within the organization. The important part of the relationship is to compromise and understand that the officers have needs which must be addressed. An example of how important that these two needs are met shows in Maslow's Needs Theory. (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Maslow asserts that the officers have the â€Å"need to feel safe in their environment and free from and threat of attack by aggressors. † (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). The relevance of this to the relationship in question is with Captain Frebe's new strategy to micromanage the officers. This also forces the hands of the sergeants' to take the lead as the overseer's of the micromanagement. The officers and sergeants believe that they are being attacked by an aggressive force, and therefore, their lower needs are not being met. This causes the higher needs to decrease. A balance will not be found with the current strategy that Frebe is using. It makes the officers believe that they cannot be trusted to do their jobs. While there were a number of officers who were not doing their jobs, the changes impacted those who were doing their jobs. The system is too complex. Instead of fixing the situation, it only made it worse. The employees believed that they were unable to do their jobs because they were being micromanaged. The sergeants were angry because the fact that they were being pulled away from their duties to watch the officers and write reports about the officers performance. This was a noble idea, but it was demanding an excessive solution for the situation. If Frebe had requested that the reports were written on a less frequent basis it may have been easier to deal with. For instance a compromise could have been reached if Frebe had solicited feedback before the situation became out of hand. It would have been helpful if Frebe asked the Sergeants and the officers for their input to solve this problem. How could have Captain Frebe instituted the mechanisms for officer accountability without alienating officers? What role do officers have in creating a motivating environment within police organizations? Captain Frebe‘s first mistake was to not ask for advice or for input before implementing such strict changes. The mandatory odometer readings and the quotas for tickets seemed to be an excessive change to implement. There were some officers who were not doing their jobs, but most of the officers were doing a good job. There were other methods that should have been researched before this was implemented. One method could have been the use of the reflection of their â€Å"work performance in their pay raises. With this technique the â€Å"low ratings will hit him in the wallet† (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Many people are motivated by money, and for those who choose not to do their job up to standard would be paid accordingly. The other option would be to use positive feedback for a job well done. The use of positive feedback can bring and officer a† personal sen se of accomplishment (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). Officers are either going to be motivated or not motivated. â€Å"There is no such thing as motivation† (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). A saying that comes to mind is â€Å"I can not motivate my guys, the only thing I can do is provide them the opportunities and the environment to become motivated. † While it is not only up to the officers to be motivated, they must have others around them who encourage them in their endeavors, and appreciate the hard work that they do. The main concern is that the needs are being met of the officers, and of the organization. There is a dire need of safety and security within the environment of the policing organization. With the dangerousness of the job, officers should at least have the guarantee that while they are in the station and out doing their job that they can do it in the safest manner possible. With the added stress of monitoring so many aspects such as odometer readings and quotas, it could cause any good officer to become seriously stressed out. The officers may also take part in groups such as â€Å"Quality Circle groups† (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). These are groups which enrich the officers and their work experience. It is an organization that promotes the â€Å"well being of the workers. These are beneficial groups who meet on a regular basis with non management members to â€Å"identify, analyze, and recommend solutions to problems within the agency. † These types of groups can make the employees feel that they have a safe haven within their reach to address concerns. Is it true that you really cannot motivate persons in organizations? If this statement i s true, then is there any role for administrators and managers in the motivation of their employees? Are there unique concerns that face police supervisors that make motivation of employees difficult? If so, what are they, and how would you address them? According to the text, there is â€Å"no such thing as a motivation. † (Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas, 2003). I do believe that people who are motivated are that way because they want to do their best, this is regardless of the circumstances. It would take a great deal to cause a self motivated person to become a quitter, there is room for managers and administrators within the organizations. However the managers and administrators are not there to motivate, they are there to make money, sell a product, or maintain the organization. It does not mean that they aren't concerned with the employees but the bottom line of getting the job done seems to be the priority. There are definitely concerns within the responsibilities of a police supervisor. They are ever-changing, with time, and with the type of employees. By this I mean that the supervisors may work better with some employees than others. However, in this type of position there cannot be favoritism, you must work and deal with everyone, regardless of whether or not you cannot stand them. The trick is how you approach the situation, hence, the employee. If you remain objective and fair, by removing yourself from a personal relationship with the subordinates it will be easier to see them on an equal level. I think that the biggest issue overall is getting your employees to do what you want without firing everyone and starting over! This is a huge obstacle. I have heard many times of organizations doing what is sometimes referred to as â€Å"cleaning house. † I believe that this should be a last resort tactic. I personally like to believe that most people want to do what is right, and given the right opportunity and environment they can learn how. I personally hate micromanagers, and I would most likely never use this tactic. I figure that if I have to micromanage an employee that they are causing problems, they do not know their job, or do not care about their job. The first option would be to offer the employee more training, not more of my micromanaging services. There is always the possibility that the employee is unsure about a procedure and needs extra help. I would try several techniques before I gave up. There are many ways that a situation like this could be addressed. I would pull the employee into a meeting so that he or she could discuss the issues, and possible solutions. I would do everything on my end to make sure that I addressed all the issues. I do not believe that people should be given up on. I know that there are many other situations a person in this position could be faced with. However, my solution would be to analyze the situation, ask questions, offer help or fins assistance, and take it from there. I believe that people should be treated as people, not just another number.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Company mission and vision

The 1995 Auto Sales Inc managed to progress through the years from its actual beginning year. Most likely, this is because of the fact that the mission and vision of the organization supported its people towards the major idealism of helping the entire group in the industry progress towards development. To make the discussion much better understood, the following breakdown of the mission and vision of the organization shall be shown herein.MISSIONAs a selling agent of second hand automobiles, the 1995 Auto Sales aim to serve the clients with the best deals available in the industry. To accomplish this particular mission, it is expected that leaders be able to apply their best strategies in creating much more creative approach in marketing as well as checking the quality of the products of the company that are disposed for the consumers. Such task requires a more comprehensive understanding of leadership and its effective application in the group.Leadership is a serious task that has to betaken by those who are able to understand the society in an objective way. Certainly, the idea of becoming a leader requires serious thinking.   Becoming a leader requires efforts that start with personal development and adjustments. There are numerous theories and practices that help the hopeful leaders in becoming the person that they want to be. In the paper to follow, a reflection on one’s ability and self-improving processes would be discussed in the view of the author of this paper.Being a leader is a serious task that requires serious effort and determination to adjust on the part of the person who wants to pursue on being a leader in his or her own field of interest. As Peter Northouse refer to leadership as a â€Å"change that would affect the whole personality of an individual†(2006, 16). It is not true that leaders are born, they are made. Through self-restructuring of themselves, the leaders of today have sprung out from actually being nothing to bec oming influential personalities in the human society.How? Because of their determination to make a change to the society that rooted out from the changes that they had to make on themselves in the first place. This is the reason why in this paper, a self-examination process shall be utilized to learn the importance of self-adjustment in becoming a leader. Leadership is one of the most common practices that is found and applied on the different organizations around the world. The need for governance has mainly increased the pressure on institutions specializing in educating aspiring leaders with the needed skills that they are expected to have when they are already working on their own fields of interest.Leadership for many is a virtue learned through the experience of becoming great followers. It requires effort and ample time before it could be said to be the perfect way of showing leadership.   It could be obviously seen how much the people who are considered leaders in the worl d are viewed as exemplary people and not as people who knows only to command and drives other to work.When it comes to the business industry, the character involving refined leadership is a must to be possessed by everyone. Yes, as leadership itself has strongly affected the lives of many people in the business industry, it indeed is an important character. The idea of being a leader itself is never that easy. Though, through careful and patient learning in adjusting one’s self to be able to adapt to the necessary needed characters of a leader, a refined leadership is never that impossible to acquire.When it comes to the definition of leadership, many groups or organizations have their own view of the characters and responsibilities involved in being a leader. As for example,   House defines â€Å"leadership† organizationally and narrowly as â€Å"the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and succes s of the organizations of which they are members† (House, R. J. 2004: page 15).Indeed, the success of the leader would naturally determine the success of the organization he or she is acquainted with. This is the main reason why many people tend to really deeply learn the art of leadership. Mainly aiming to alleviate the effectiveness of one’s leadership skills, leadership schools and courses were opened especially regarding the business industries.Certainly, with this thought and leadership implications considered within the process, the organization aims to develop as a more solid team that tries to deal with the challenges of the industry in a more strategic and comprehensive manner that would be best for the clients as well as for the organizational staff themselves.This is an obvious call for everyone to change towards the better and faster progress of the company aimed to help the organization in setting a better reputation among its clients in the market. With th is mission statement stratified, it could be notes that the weight of the progress is relied upon the leaders of the different sectors of the organization and the cooperation of the entire team towards the progress procedures implemented by the said leaders.VISIONWith the effective application of strategic leadership and implicative approaches to the organization’s business operations, it is then expected that the performance of the entire team would be increased in terms of client satisfaction and personal job satisfaction as well. Everyone is rather hoped to have a strong trust within the new approach that would be used towards the aims of progress of the entire business in its concerned industry.Moreover, understanding of such issue in terms of company leadership is viewed as a huge step that would bring a great reputation of strength and loyalty to its clients in the market. The system concerned in the said manner of progression is indeed expected to increase the knowledg e of everyone with regards effective leadership and tem work. With this in sight, the company is certainly ready for the approaching changes it needs to face as it approaches the new age of car and auto sales competition in the market.References:Finding and keeping good employees: DHI works toward proactive support programs. January 1, 2002. Doors and Hardware (Magazine/Journal).Michael O'Malley. (2001). Creating Commitment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1 edition.Harvard Business School Press. (2003). Hiring and Keeping the Best People. Harvard Business School Press.Lin Grensing-Pophal. (2002). Motivating Today's Employees (Business Series). Self-Counsel Press; 2nd edition.Riddle, John. (2001). Business Management. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts.Adams, Bob. (2000). Managing people: Lead your staff to peak performance. Adams Media Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts.Hiam, Alexander. (2001). Motivating and rewarding Employees: New and better ways to inspire your people. Adams M edia Corporation. Avon, Massachusetts.Martinez, Esdras. (1998). Buisness Managements theories and practice. Rex books Publishing. Manila, Philippines.Jones, Gareth R. (2004). Contemporary Management. Irwin/McGraw-Hill; 4th edition.PART 2: POWERPOINTPART 3: Management and Its role in the Company(A Detailed Job Description for the Line of Management)Management of a diverse workforce has been one of the biggest problems that concern the human resources department of any type of company present in the business industries. Hence, it is just reasonable to say that at some points, some management teams may find it a difficult task as well. However, the author, John riddle says otherwise.According to him, â€Å"these are all factors of management that should be considered by good managers even before entering an organization† (113). Hence, this definitely means that avoiding diversity in the workforce may be impossible but giving a resolution to it is not that impossible. After all, there is still a common ground among the working force of each company no matter how diverse they may be it is that they are humans, which makes them capable of being dealt with and managed well.In this regard, John Riddle has suggested several points of consideration when dealing with such business problems. In general terms, he summarized the ways by which a good manager could handle the difficulties of dealing with a diverse workforce.The said suggestions are as follows: · Concentrate on the strengths of the employees. When a manager discovers the tasks where the employees usually excel in, they should be assigned to them as they are expected to be more productive on those fields of the job. · Understand the abilities and the potential of each employee present in the organization. These potential assets of the employees could as well be used by the company itself in aiming for the goals that it has set up for the future. · Allow communication lines t be open at all times. I t is very important for managers to be good listeners. The ability of hearing what the employees want form the company as well as to how they could be of bigger help to the organization could be used as a resource of ideas for the company as well. · Make the employees feel that they too have a sense of authority in the company. However, this type of authority should not overstep that of the administration’s. It should be clear that this authority could only be exercised at specific times and places when it is permitted. This may often refer to an ‘open door’ policy that deals with an easier type of agreement between the employees, which could give them a chance to affect how the organization is being managed. They are then allowed to give suggestions; however, no suggestions are implemented unless approved by the administration. · Make sure that all employees understand the business goals and objectives. It should always be remembered that a well-informed emp loyee, whether young or old, is a productive employee. · A manager should always remember that he is supervising people with feelings who are valuable members of the organization, hence, treating them with great respect at all times no matter what culture they come from is one of the most important virtue any manager could post as an example for his colleagues. · Treating everyone fairly and sensitively is the key to creating a fine working environment. It should be remembered that because of the different clutters of the people, they all have different preferences; they have different personal obligations and other more. Considering the fact that dealing with multicultural workforce also involve dealing with their differences of belief, a manager could as well consider fairness at all times to be able to set a common ground for everyone else in the organization. · Keep everyone else busy and going all the time. Feeling one’s worth is usually measured on the things they are able to do for the organization in a day. In this manner, it could be said that regardless of one’s difference from the others, being able to do something for the company and being of worth to the organization makes an employee feel that even though there are differences, he still belongs to the organization he is working for. · Keep employees informed of the ins and outs of the organization. Keeping employees in the dark when some changes within the organization arise may give them the notion that they are not given importance by the administration of the company. · Acknowledge the employees’ efforts, years of work, talent, creativity and good job attributes. Doing so would help everyone else strive for the best while they are working in the company.It could be noticed that the suggestions listed in here are general. Putting thesesuggestions into good use have mostly caused several companies to achieve unity beyond diversity in their own much diverse workforc es. Hence, as Jones commented in his book â€Å"Contemporary Management†, â€Å"diversity is a normal part of modern management. Being globally distinct, it could not be avoided that dealing with different people everyday is a challenge to the modern managers today† (180). With these principles applied, it is expected that each manager be able to complete the necessary points of appointment they are given to be able to keep good employees for the company’s betterment in the future.References:Robert A. Levin. (2001). Talent Flow: A Strategic Approach to Keeping Good Employees, Helping Them Grow, and Letting Them Go. Jossey-Bass; 1 edition.Thomas J. McCoy. (1996). Creating an â€Å"Open Book† Organization: Where Employees Think & Act Like Business Partners. AMACOM Publishing.J. Regis McNamara. (1986). Critical Issues, Developments, and Trends in Professional Psychology: Volume 3 (Professional Psychology Update). Praeger Publishers.Graham Edkins. (2004). Inn ovation and Consolidation in Aviation: Selected Contributions to the Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium 2000. Ashgate Publishing.Raymond Andrew Noe. (2004). Employee Training and Development with Powerweb Card 3/e. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 3 edition.Jerome H. Barkow. (1995). The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press, USA; Reprint edition.